It’s become very important to take extra safety measures nowadays, and pedestrian gates (Cape Town) are a fantastic place to start with regard to home safety. In this article, we will have a look at 10 reasons why this is the case – and we will cover some of the other amazing home and business security options we have available at Glow Innovations. We are very passionate about the work we do and we sincerely hope that you consider our expertise and assistance, to make your home as safe as possible.




10 Reasons To Install One Of Our Pedestrian Gates: Cape Town


Let’s start with some of the reasons we think it is essential to invest in pedestrian gates.


Prevent Unauthorised Entry: Installing pedestrian gates (Cape Town) can assist massively in preventing unauthorised individuals from gaining access. Cape Town, and South Africa generally, has a high crime rate and these types of security features can significantly reduce the risk of theft and crime. Our pedestrian gates (Cape Town) are extremely hardy and should make it very difficult for would-be thieves to enter your home or business.


Boosted Privacy: Many people prefer a more private environment, away from prying eyes and unwanted attention. Pedestrian gates (Cape Town) can significantly increase the privacy of your home. Certain features, like our doorbell cameras, can be added to the pedestrian gates – this allows you to see who’s outside your property without indicating to them that anyone is home. A dream come true for those of us that don’t like people dropping by unexpectedly.


Improved Security: This is an obvious, but clearly important point to note. Pedestrian gates secure the perimeter of your property and provide a physical barrier against unwanted visitors. This bolstered sense of safety allows for peace of mind and a more relaxing environment. Knowing that the occupants and valuables inside your home or business are very well protected.


Enhances Property Value: Another reason that our pedestrian gates (Cape Town) are a smart thing to invest in, is that they can increase the overall value of your whole property. Not only are our gates aesthetically beautiful, but the added security they provide comes with additional value to prospective buyers. Just another fantastic reason to consider installing one of our great security gates.


Increased Control Over Property Access: With pedestrian gates (Cape Town), you alone have control over who enters your property – ensuring that only authorised people can gain entrance. We also offer various types of entry methods to ensure we provide our customers with the best in home and business security.


Works As A Deterrent: If individuals can see that you have a security gate, they are far less likely to attempt a break in. The presence of modern security features is sure to have criminals thinking twice before trying anything around your property.




Provides You With Peace Of Mind: If you have a family or live with others, installing pedestrian gates can add hugely to your sense of security. It’s very important to know that you and those you care about are well protected. It can never hurt to sleep a bit better at night, we would say.


Comparatively Cost-Effective: If you are comparing the costs of installing pedestrian gates (Cape Town) to other security measures, you will notice just how cost-effective they are. It is far less expensive than purchasing a full security system and can actually provide a level of protection that one could compare to much more costly security systems.




Very Easy to Maintain: Pedestrian gates require little to no maintenance at all, making them a fantastic hassle-free safety solution. Meaning you can focus on maintaining and improving other important aspects of property protection.


Assists In Combating Crime: Seeing as we do have such a high crime rate in our country, installing pedestrian gates (Cape Town) is a very sensible move to make. It is imperative to be proactive regarding home and business safety. Help to reduce the risk of crime and theft, and possibly make your community a safer place for all.




What Different Types Of Pedestrian Gates (Cape Town) Do We Offer?


Let’s cover some of the different kinds of pedestrian gates that we, at Glow Innovations, are proud to offer. We will also go over some of the benefits and features of these security gates.


1. Manual Gates


Manual pedestrian gates (Cape Town) are a specific kind of security gate that allows individuals to enter and exit a property manually. Usually, these types of security gates have adjustable rod eye bearings in the hinges and industrial padlocks. This allows the pedestrian gates to be opened from either side, significantly increasing ease of use. We always try to be flexible in terms of what we can offer our valued customers and so almost everything about our security gates can be tailored or custom-made to align with your desires.


Maintenance-wise, manual pedestrian gates are remarkably easy to upkeep. They have significantly fewer parts than some of the alternatives, and this simplicity makes it a lot easier to look after and service. Another huge benefit of a manual gate, especially at the moment, is that it can be operated even during a power failure or loadshedding.


This is, of course, a large issue in our nation today, so this can certainly come in handy. The additional security systems can be integrated into the manual gates if the customer requests it. These include options for key-based or electronic entry systems, finishes, colours, styles and a large variety of shapes and sizes.




2. Fully Automatic Gates


Automatic pedestrian gates are an excellent choice for those that are seeking extra security and an even tighter control on access to the property. These security gates are normally fitted with electro-hydraulic drive ram and, as with the manual gates, adjustable rod eye bearings and lubrication points in the hinges. Some also have manual override controls to avoid issues related to potential power failure, and magnetic locking mechanisms for greatly improved safety.


Fully automatic pedestrian gates handle large volumes of foot traffic very well, making them an ideal fit for commercial or industrial businesses that have a large number of visitors. Another major drawcard of this style of security gate is that, unlike manual gates which require physical effort to open, automatic gates don’t require any at all – making them highly accessible and easy to use, even for individuals with physical disabilities.


3. Semi-Automatic Gates


As the name would suggest, these gates are a hybrid between the two that have been previously mentioned, possibly offering the best of both worlds. Similarly to manual gates, they possess hinges that have adjustable rod eye bearings and the same lubrication points. However, they are also equipped with an automatic door-closing mechanism and electric locks.


Semi-automatic pedestrian gates fall in the middle of manual and fully automatic gates price-wise. This does make sense as they tend to feature elements of both. Some of the other features one can add to your semi-automatic gates include intercoms, push buttons, keypads, and card entry systems. Generally, they will also come standard with hydraulic gate closers, electromagnetic gate locks, and control panels.


What Are Some Other Great Security Features To Pair With Security Gates?


There are a variety of additional security features that can be used in conjunction with pedestrian gates to greatly increase the level of security in any home or business. Here are a few options that we recommend:


Surveillance Cameras: Installing security cameras should provide an added layer of safety to fall back on, by enabling you to monitor your household or business at all times. They also function excellently as an active deterrent, because would-be criminals are far less likely to break in if they know that the property is monitored with surveillance cameras.


Motion-Detecting Lights: These are another great way to deter burglars, whilst still remaining surprisingly cost-effective. They will activate when someone approaches your property. They are especially useful if much of the property is lit poorly, as they make it very difficult to approach without being noticed.


Alarm Systems: This is the most obvious one of these additional security systems, and there is a good reason for that being the case. In the event of a break-in, an alarm can provide an effective and quick response. Alarms can be linked to many other security features so that you, or the authorities, will be alerted if any criminals are detected.


Electric Fencing: This type of fencing creates a highly-effective additional layer of security by creating an electrically charged barrier around the perimeter of your property. This acts as a deterrent against unwanted individuals, as it should be almost impossible to enter the property without receiving a hefty shock.


Access Control Systems: These types of features can effectively limit access to your property to only those that are trusted and authorised. These include swipe card systems, keypads, biometric scanning and more.


Burglar Bars: A very simple, yet highly efficient security addition. The windows of a property are always a potential weakness to break-ins. One should try to nullify this by reinforcing the windows with steel or other kinds of metals. We have a variety of burglar bars here at Glow Innovations!


Fire alarms: Installing a fire alarm can help detect and prevent fires from spreading, which will protect your home or business from the potential devastation of a fire.


If you want to ensure that your household or business is comprehensively protected, it is important that you have more than one form of security or protection. We highly recommend utilising as many of these as is possible. We provide many of the security features mentioned above and we would suggest that you consider these for your own protection.


More About Glow Innovations


We are a Cape Town-based company that makes it our mission to provide top-notch security solutions for businessess and households. Our range of products and services includes burglar bars, driveway gates, electric fencing, pedestrian gates, fencing and more – all of which are designed with great care and expertise to ensure that your property is as well protected as possible. Our team of employees is exceptionally skilled and possessess great passion and expertise in performing their duties.


We make sure that we keep our products and services up-to-date and top-of-the-range to cater to the ever changing requirements of our customers. We are fully committed to delivering exceptional service and we work tirelessly to stay ahead and improve in the ever-evolving market of home and business security. Trust us to carry out our services and assist you in creating a relaxed and secure environment for yourself and your family or co-workers.
































